According to John: Act 1, Scene 1 (The Logos that can be Named…)
At the Dawn of All Things was the Divine Wisdom. Wisdom existed alongside the One; indeed, Wisdom was the One. She — variously called by different traditions the Logos, Sofia, Tao, Great Spirit — was at the Dawn of All Things with the One. All came into existence through Her, and nothing in existence became itself distinct from Her. In Her is Life itself — the Divine “I Am” of Pure Existence — and that raw Life Force is the Spark of Light that illuminates the human soul. The Spark caught fire and blazed in the Deep Darkness, and the Darkness was utterly incapable of comprehension.
A particular Incarnation of humanity was born, a Messenger from the Divine One, whose name was God-Is-Gracious. He arrived, as if a star witness in a court of law, to testify concerning the Spark of Light. This True Light, which enlightens and illuminates all of humanity, was taking form in the Universe.
The Light appeared in the World of Created Things, and though the World was created through the Wisdom of the Light, the World resisted bring drawn into Her intimate embrace. She appeared to Her own creation, but Her own seemed incapable of receiving Her. But for whomever recognized the Light, they received from Her the flow of Divine Energy that reshaped them as the very Progeny of Divinity — Children of God — these are the…